
Entering residents may expect 3 years of solid training in radiation physics, radiation safety, radiobiology and in the clinical practice of therapeutic medical physics, preparing them for board certification and their chosen careers within academia, the community, or industry. Both formal didactic instruction and experiential, case-based learning are structured across the resident’s time to provide a solid foundation within the sciences and across the clinical disease sites. The first year of residency allows time for in-depth study or investigation, offering residents an opportunity to integrate translational science, clinical research, further academic study, technology development into their curricula.

A variety of periodic internal evaluations are used to monitor residents’ progress. These evaluations serve to test, validate, and improve continually our pedagogical efforts.


Clinical rotations on the main Lebanon campus encompass all topics covered on the American Board of Radiology’s written and oral examinations. The resident is teamed with an appropriate physics faculty for a 2 to 3-month block, during which time the resident focuses on competencies applied to that faculties clinical specialties.

Initial course work includes formal online learning through the CITI program. Courses include Biomedical Research, Biomedical Responsible Conduct of Research, and Conflicts of Interest. These courses provide an invaluable introduction to ethical and regulatory considerations in the conduct of research as well as professional conduct in the clinical environment.

Additional online training is required at the start of employment at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center and annually to first orient and then to refresh ones self to the clinical safety environment and emergency response procedures. Courses include:

  • Healthcare Fraud, Abuse, and False Claims
  • State Mandated Reporting of Abuse and Negligence
  • Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy and Security
  • Foundational Policies
  • Responsible use of Technology
  • Culture and Linguistic Services
  • Prevention of Bloodborne athogens
  • Safety and Infection Prevention
  • Hazardous Substances
  • Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center Emergency Procedures
  • Cultural Diversity
  • Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center Workplace Harassment Prevention for Employees
  • Patient Safety for Clinical Staff

Resident clinical rotation schedule

Year Rotation Duration Assigned Physicists
PGY-1 Orientation, elective research and development projects 12 months All physicists
Supervisor: David Gladstone, ScD
PGY-2 Dosimetry Rotation 3 months Colleen Fox, PhD
QA Rotation 3 months All Physicists
Supervisor: Larry Gates, PhD
Stereotactic Rotation 3 months Ben Williams, PhD
ViewRay (MR / Linac) 3 months Rongxiao Zhang, PhD
PGY-3 Brachytherapy Rotation 3 months Nathan Nelson, MS
Ben Williams, PhD
Special Procedures Rotation: TBI, TSET 3 months David Gladstone, ScD
Annual QA, Acceptance Testing and Commissioning Rotation 3 months All Physicists
Supervisor: David Gladstone, ScD
Radiation Safety Rotation 3 months Mike Timmerman, MS