Recent awards
- Hitchcock Foundation Pilot Research Grant in the amount of $50,000: “A Novel Model for Airway Simulation and Education: Augmented Reality for Difficult Airway Simulation with Immediate Virtual Feedback Study." PI: Shukla.
- A joint team of researchers from Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center, Thayer School of Engineering and Geisel School of Medicine received a Gold Snapshot Award from the Society of Critical Care Medicine.
- POST EMS for Kids. DHHS Health Resources and Services Admin; $768K; 2018-present; PI: Rutman
- Lyme Meningitis. Boston Children’s Hospital; $30K; 2021-present; PI: Rutman
- NH EMSC. DHHS Health Resources and Services Admin; $190K; 2023-present; PI: Rutman
- NH-INBRE Seed. Trustees of Dartmouth College; $29K; 2022-present; PI: Daniel
- Early Warning for Shock after Trauma. Army Medical Research Acquisition Activity; $3.0M; 2018-present; PI: Paradis
- Adapting the ACT Network to Address the Opioid Epidemic. Trustees of Dartmouth College; $47K; 2019-present; PI Lanter
- Geriatric Emergency Department Initiative. Gary and Mary West Health Institute; $3M; 2019-present; PI: Rodi
- National Electronic Injury Surveillance System. Consumer Project Safety Commission; $339K; 2020-present; PI: Rodi
- SMARTTT Trial. Yale University; $91K; 2021-present; PI: Bernstein
- Tobacco Cessation/ED Intervention Kenyan ED. Yale University; $25K; 2021-present; PI: Bernstein
- ANeeD SBIR Phase II. Creare, Inc; $155K; 2020-present; PI: Soucy
- BVoid II SBIR. Creare, Inc; $204K; 2021-present; PI: Soucy
- REBOA. Creare, Inc; $81K; 2022-present; PI: Soucy
- Delivering Value for Emergency Department High Utilizers: A High-Touch, Hotspotting Approach. A Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Quality Grant; $70K; 2015-present; PI: Curtis
- A Capillary Blood Flow Monitoring Device based upon diffuse correlation spectroscopy for early detection of Shock. NIH-SBIR. Medical Consultant. Radiation Monitoring Devices, Inc. Watertown, MA 2015-2016. Paradis, NA, Medical Advisor, NIH-SBIR Phase II. DARPA C13-02.
- Optimizing Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Care During Cardiac Arrest. 2015-2016. PI: Paradis, NA, Industry Supported Development Grant, Zoll Corp.
- Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) “EMS-C Targeted Issues Grant”. Award Number: H34MC26202. September, 2013- August, 2016. Amount $900,000. PI – Rodi, SW; Co-Investigators – Thomas Trimarco, MD and Maia Rutman, MD.
- Co-Investigator: Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) “Telehealth Network Grant Program”. Award Number: H2ARH26029-01-00. September, 2013-August, 2016. Amount: $750,000. PI – Rodi, SW.
- Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) “Rural Health Outreach Grant”. Award Number: D04RH23597-01-00. May, 2012 – April, 2015. Amount: $450,000. Co- Investigator - Scott Rodi.
- Dartmouth Center for Clinical and Translational Science (CCTS) Pilot Grant. Rapid Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Traumatic Brain Injury detection in children. Sept 2008 - present. PI: Rutman, MS. Co-Investigators: Ann-Christine Duhaime, Clifford Eskey, John Weaver.
- Dartmouth Center for Clinical and Translational Science (CCTS) Pilot Grant. Rapid Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Traumatic Brain Injury detection in children. Sept 2008 - present. PI: Rutman, MS. Co-Investigators: Ann-Christine Duhaime, Clifford Eskey, John Weaver.
- Emergency Medical Services for Children Partnership Grant. PI: Janet Houston; Co-Investigator: Rutman, MS.
- HRSA Grant: Rural Health Care Services Outreach Grant Program. Grant Number: DO4RH12689. May, 2009 – April, 2012. $375,000. PI: Rodi, SW.
- 2008 HRSA: Rural Health Network Planning Grant, 2008, $85,000. PI: Rodi, SW.
- 2006-2008 A Multi-Center Evaluation of the Utility of Ischemia Modified Albumin for Risk Stratification in Patients Presenting with Chest Pain and Possible Ischemic Heart Disease (The IMAGINE Study). Sponsored by Inverness Medical Innovations Inc.; $150K; Site PI: Yeo; Site SubI’s:Curtis, Foote.
- The Impact of a Kidney Stone Protocol for Emergency Department Patients with Renal Colic. Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center, Section of Emergency Medicine. PI: Steinberg; Co-Invs: Curtis; Nanjia. Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center Quality Research Grant Program; $7,500.
- The Effect of Cinnamon on HbA1c Control in Type 1 Adolescent Diabetics. Dartmouth College Committee on Senior Fellowships. Student: Altschuler. Preceptor: Curtis; $8,000.
- A Cross-Cultural Study: Agreement between Patients and Providers Regarding Type 2 Diabetes Treatment Goals and Strategies. Student: Steel. Preceptor: Curtis. $3,000.
- A Novel Clinical Research Curriculum for Dartmouth College Upperclassmen. Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center Department of Medicine Education Grant. PI: Curtis; $10,000.
- The Neuroprotective Effects of Cannabidiol on Transient Focal Ischemia in Rats. Emergency Medicine Foundation Research Fellowship Grant. PI: Curtis; $35,0000.
- Disruption in Neuronal Calcium Homeostasis: Trauma vs. Ischemia. Emergency Medicine Foundation Career Development Grant. PI: Curtis; $50,000.
- Mitochondrial Calcium in Acute Neuronal Injury. Emergency Medicine Foundation Directed Neurologic Emergencies Grant. PI: Curtis; $50,000.
- Accuracy of the Emergency Department Evaluation in Patients with Acute Knee injuries. Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center, Section of Emergency Medicine. PI: Rodi; Co-Investigator: Curtis. CPHS approved. 2009-present.
- Reducing time to administration of warfarin reversal agents in anti- coagulated patients with intracranial hemorrhage presenting to the Emergency Department. PI: Knapp, R. CO-PI: Rodi, S, Lanter, P, Proehl, J. QRGP Grant Acceptance Pending. CPHS Approval Pending. 2010 – present.
- The Impact of the Current Economic Recession on Health Care Access and Utilization Among Adult Emergency Department Patients. Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center, Section of Emergency Medicine. PI: Knapp; Co-Investigators: Curtis, Lanter. CPHS approved. 2009-present.
- Knowledge and Adherence to Child Restraint Laws Among Residents of New Hampshire and Vermont. Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center, Section of Emergency Medicine. PI: Curtis. CPHS #21192. 2008-present.
- Improved Pain Management in the Pediatric Trauma Patient. Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center, Section of Emergency Medicine. PI: Curtis; Co-Investigator: Henriques. CPHS #20479. 2007-2009.
- Mechanisms of changing beliefs about alcohol use disorders CPHS #20892. Co-Investigator: Lanter.2008-2009.
- The Impact of a Kidney Stone Protocol for Emergency Department Patients with Renal Colic. Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center, Section of Emergency Medicine. PI: Steinberg; Co-Investigators: Curtis KM; Nanjia. CPHS #20569. 2007-2008.
- The Impact of a Specific Volunteer Intervention on Satisfaction Among Emergency Department Patients. Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center, Section of Emergency Medicine. PI: Curtis; Co-Investigator: Lanter. CPHS #20420. 2006-2008.
- Early CT Scan for High Risk Emergency Department Patients with Abdominal Pain”. Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center, Section of Emergency Medicine. PI: Curtis. Co-Investigator: Rodi. 2006-2007.
- A Survey of Expectations among Emergency Department Patients. Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center, Section of Emergency Medicine. PI: Curtis. 2005-2006.
- Local Anesthesia for Nasogastric Tube Placement. Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center, Section of Emergency Medicine, PI: Brozen; Co-Investigator: Curtis; CPHS#17141. 2005-2007.
- The Evaluation and Management of Initial Analgesia in the Adult Trauma Patient. Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center, Section of Emergency Medicine. PI: Curtis; Sub-I: Shivapour. 2005.
- Pain Relief from a Topical Spray after an Acute Ankle Sprain. Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center, Section of Emergency Medicine, PI: Curtis; CPHS#16983. 2004-2005.
- Is It the Law or the Person that Determines Seat Belt Use? Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center, Section of Emergency Medicine, PI: Curtis; CPHS#16364. 2004-2005.
- Does the Chest x-ray Change Management Among Emergency Department Patients with a Possible Acute Coronary Syndrome? Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center Section of Emergency Medicine; PI: Rodi; Co-Investigator: Curtis; CPHS#17117. 2004-2005.
- Improved Pain Management in the Trauma Patient Using a Formalized Analgesia Protocol Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center Section of Emergency Medicine. PI: Henriques; Co-Investigator: Curtis; CPHS#16427. 2003.